Postings will no longer be done here on the Blogger account :(
Lynda (fitnessmomwinecountry)
A place for me to share stories, recipes and life about fitness, healthy lifestyle living and the journey along the way. A place for real and honest, while motivating and inspiring. And maybe some laughs or tears along the journey. Fitness*Motivation*Wellness*Connection

Tuesday, December 11
Monday, November 12
Click on this link to see all the details....this is very special and cool gift
Enjoy, Lynda
Click on this link to see all the details....this is very special and cool gift
Enjoy, Lynda
Tuesday, November 6
Sunday, November 4
Hello fans and followers...BIG NEWS!! There is a new address for the blog..... Please make sure you add this to your favs button OR sign up via email subscription so you can keep up with all the postings, product reviews, giveaways, video blogs, workouts, Fitnessmom challenges and more .....OF COURSE all the great recipes and pics!
Saturday, November 3
Whew! Where do I even begin? Okay, so let me break this down for you. This is the NEW HOME of Fitnessmomwinecountry. I have been working on learning WordPress for weeks. There have been tears, hot flashes, glasses of wine, long hot baths, a lot of coffee, green tea, long walks even chocolate. But here it is, Finally!
I will keep this one up, but all my work will be on the new make sure to sign up and follow in order to see all new content and some new additions....
I will keep this one up, but all my work will be on the new make sure to sign up and follow in order to see all new content and some new additions....
Wednesday, October 31
It's Halloween...Day of the Dread (Is it over yet)
Okay I know Halloween is here...Yay woo hoo, oh joy. Now before I offend any of you lovers of creatures, ghouls, ghosts, witches, zombies, cauldrons, spiderwebs, slimy creepy stuff and all the other super great cool gadgets you "Halloweener's" like, let me make myself clear. This is just me and my desire to wish we could pass this day up every year.
Sure when I was a kid (elementary school age) Halloween was great. In fact my step-mother was a kindergarten teacher and we always had cool, homemade and creative costumes. She would decorate the house with the greatest props, including sounds or creepy music and even smoke coming from where ever, all while dressing in costume herself. Oh and trick-or-treating, well that was the best. Only back in the day, I remember getting apples or oranges from some houses. You know, when it was safe to do that, before people started injecting something into them or adding a razor blade or worse.
But now, well now I honestly could care less about this day. I am not sure if it comes from just not being interested in doing all that work, or the lack of creativity from me. Or the fact that our middle son hates this day and wants nothing to do with this. He does not want to see commercials, does not want to see people in costumes, does not want to trick-or-treat, nothing. In fact, he won't go into a store during Halloween season. I don't know, a combo of all maybe?
I do know that Halloween does have a "must do" in this family household and that is to every year watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. In fact, since I can't stand to sit and watch it on the t.v. with all the commercials, I had taken it upon myself to purchase the DVD version years ago, this way we don't happen to miss it and we can watch minus the annoying commercials.
Now Faith, she is something special. She LOVES Halloween and God Bless her, she is very patient with us and has compromised well. We get the pumpkins for the front porch, minus all decorations and we do pass out candy. She picks her costume every year and wears it all day to school and out for the night door to door candy collecting. She waits patiently each year (if on a week night) for daddy to get home from work and before he can get both feet in the door, she is heading towards him with that year's bag of choice (to help her in getting as much candy possible) in her hand.
So Faith is off in school, having the time of her life today and I am here with Noah. (Remember he hates this day)? Well it also makes him physically sick being around all the school activities. I whipped up my pumpkin smoothie for breakfast and am cozied up on this chilly day, just waiting for 8:00 to come around. Yes, that is the time I will be shutting everything down, lights out and candy gone. School is tomorrow and children don't need to be out late anyway.
The Mad Hatter hat would not work today...SO my Sweat Pink shoe laces came in handy :)
I can already see myself now, the grumpy old woman who chases everyone away with her broom.....oh wait, wouldn't that make me a witch?
Pumpkin Smoothie
Canned pumpkin
Plain Greek Yogurt
(ground flax seed) optional
Add to blender and done
So happy Halloween to all you out there...enjoy, have fun and be safe
Tuesday, October 23
Do You Hear That? Exactly....
Nothing makes more sense to me than being a mom and a wife. My dreams were to be working in the corporate field from a high rise office building and living the life of travel, and meetings, and the fast pace of coming and going after graduating from Business College. I never imagined I would be the stay home mom, the PTO officer, the school volunteer, the fundraiser, the car pool shuttle, the taxi service for my kids and their friends. But apparently the good Lord had other plans for me.
He must have known me better than myself, because I get panic attacks in big crowds, I hate to fly, I am a germ-a-phobic, so riding in taxi's would not work, I get dizzy from high heights and afraid, and I have actually stopped people from entering the elevator while in them when I think we are too full and too crowded. So I guess the corporate world was not my calling.
The segway into this is because every morning I wake with routine (as all of you) I am the first one up, always a good half hour before the rest of the house. Wait, I must be corrected, the cat is the first one up and he is on a routine. EVERY morning at about 4:30 - 5ish no kidding that "meow" comes from the stairway. I hear it. Of course I do, because once we become moms we hear every sound from the moment we give birth and never fully sleep again until the kids are grown and gone. Even then, there are sleepless night. But that is another story, beings that we have a 21 year old. Back to the cat.....
I turn over and convince myself he will stop and be quiet as I sternly tell him to from our bedroom, only realizing that he is not the dog and well we all know that cats pretty much have minds of their own. So I let him out with food in hand, hurrying back to the bed knowing I have another hour and a half to get some shutty.
Then life happens, and no matter what routine we are on daily, it only takes a small bump to start the ball falling. So the coffee is started, the news is on and I am checking emails, and doing my daily "Good Morning" to the Fitnessmomwinecountry family and my challenge groups. Those 30 mins of me time go quickly, as I hear the first alarm in one of the kid's rooms, then the second. I can normally tell what mood they will be in once downstairs by the sounding of the alarm clocks. This is from months of study.
Why, how? Easy, when the alarms go off quickly and I hear Noah head to the bathroom for his shower, I know we are in for a "happy" morning. Faith will come down the stairs with the dog in her arms to let him out. An "un-happy" morning, the alarms start of with the beep, beep, but they will keep going, then faster, and faster. I stand in the kitchen right below the bedrooms and take the biggest, deepest sigh and breath I can. It's going to be "go time". Noah finally hits the alarm and the normal walk to the shower turns to the loud chug from above. I can just see the grumpies on him and I am not even up there. Faith, she heads down the stairs minus the dog with the dark circles under her eyes that she has inherited from me (poor girl) and just plops herself into the chair at the kitchen table.
Anyway, what seems to be a very long morning is only about an hour or less even. The breakfast is made, because I am determined to feed my kids a breakfast EVERY morning and lunches are packed, no school bought lunches for them. Things run rather smoothly I must say because keeping a routine every morning has its positives. The backpacks are always packed with the homework done and put away in place (however both kids are determined to re-check each morning just to make sure) and these are placed by the kitchen basket every night. This makes it easy to put the lunches into and go out the door, the shoes are right by the door inside the garage on the shelves so easy to grab and put on.
Basically, our mornings are like running a business. So maybe I am living my own "corporate" world right in my house. I am the CEO, along with my partner the hubby. I have my fast pace at times, but am able to control the down-time and up-swing. Okay so I am not dressing in office attire or hoping on planes to travel to new cities or business meetings. But those fund-raisers I used to do were my meetings, the PTO was my board room. Now my home is my office, my attire is workout clothing (with jeans day optional). I call my own hours, I don't ride in taxi's but I drive a Suburban and feel like one when it is full of kids. I do travel to far away places when doing school projects with the kids while studying about somewhere far off. Or take the family holiday somewhere fun.
I send my loyal staff (only they are my kids and hubby) off into the world each and every day to learn new things, to work well with others, and to come back to me at the end of the day to "report" their updates and new findings.
That is when I hear it. Exactly, I hear nothing....nothing at all. Just the quiet of the house. Sometimes the sounds of birds outside or the hum of the dishwasher running or the refrigerator/freezer making new ice. The sound of the sprinklers outdoors when watering the lawn. But it is pure silence. It is at that moment EVERY day that I am so grateful and thankful to God and our own family unit that I could never ever imagine NOT being a mom and wife. This is my "corporate" world, and it will continue to flourish and grow and become successful.
God Bless
Lynda xoxoxo
He must have known me better than myself, because I get panic attacks in big crowds, I hate to fly, I am a germ-a-phobic, so riding in taxi's would not work, I get dizzy from high heights and afraid, and I have actually stopped people from entering the elevator while in them when I think we are too full and too crowded. So I guess the corporate world was not my calling.
The segway into this is because every morning I wake with routine (as all of you) I am the first one up, always a good half hour before the rest of the house. Wait, I must be corrected, the cat is the first one up and he is on a routine. EVERY morning at about 4:30 - 5ish no kidding that "meow" comes from the stairway. I hear it. Of course I do, because once we become moms we hear every sound from the moment we give birth and never fully sleep again until the kids are grown and gone. Even then, there are sleepless night. But that is another story, beings that we have a 21 year old. Back to the cat.....
I turn over and convince myself he will stop and be quiet as I sternly tell him to from our bedroom, only realizing that he is not the dog and well we all know that cats pretty much have minds of their own. So I let him out with food in hand, hurrying back to the bed knowing I have another hour and a half to get some shutty.
Then life happens, and no matter what routine we are on daily, it only takes a small bump to start the ball falling. So the coffee is started, the news is on and I am checking emails, and doing my daily "Good Morning" to the Fitnessmomwinecountry family and my challenge groups. Those 30 mins of me time go quickly, as I hear the first alarm in one of the kid's rooms, then the second. I can normally tell what mood they will be in once downstairs by the sounding of the alarm clocks. This is from months of study.
Why, how? Easy, when the alarms go off quickly and I hear Noah head to the bathroom for his shower, I know we are in for a "happy" morning. Faith will come down the stairs with the dog in her arms to let him out. An "un-happy" morning, the alarms start of with the beep, beep, but they will keep going, then faster, and faster. I stand in the kitchen right below the bedrooms and take the biggest, deepest sigh and breath I can. It's going to be "go time". Noah finally hits the alarm and the normal walk to the shower turns to the loud chug from above. I can just see the grumpies on him and I am not even up there. Faith, she heads down the stairs minus the dog with the dark circles under her eyes that she has inherited from me (poor girl) and just plops herself into the chair at the kitchen table.
Anyway, what seems to be a very long morning is only about an hour or less even. The breakfast is made, because I am determined to feed my kids a breakfast EVERY morning and lunches are packed, no school bought lunches for them. Things run rather smoothly I must say because keeping a routine every morning has its positives. The backpacks are always packed with the homework done and put away in place (however both kids are determined to re-check each morning just to make sure) and these are placed by the kitchen basket every night. This makes it easy to put the lunches into and go out the door, the shoes are right by the door inside the garage on the shelves so easy to grab and put on.
Basically, our mornings are like running a business. So maybe I am living my own "corporate" world right in my house. I am the CEO, along with my partner the hubby. I have my fast pace at times, but am able to control the down-time and up-swing. Okay so I am not dressing in office attire or hoping on planes to travel to new cities or business meetings. But those fund-raisers I used to do were my meetings, the PTO was my board room. Now my home is my office, my attire is workout clothing (with jeans day optional). I call my own hours, I don't ride in taxi's but I drive a Suburban and feel like one when it is full of kids. I do travel to far away places when doing school projects with the kids while studying about somewhere far off. Or take the family holiday somewhere fun.
I send my loyal staff (only they are my kids and hubby) off into the world each and every day to learn new things, to work well with others, and to come back to me at the end of the day to "report" their updates and new findings.
That is when I hear it. Exactly, I hear nothing....nothing at all. Just the quiet of the house. Sometimes the sounds of birds outside or the hum of the dishwasher running or the refrigerator/freezer making new ice. The sound of the sprinklers outdoors when watering the lawn. But it is pure silence. It is at that moment EVERY day that I am so grateful and thankful to God and our own family unit that I could never ever imagine NOT being a mom and wife. This is my "corporate" world, and it will continue to flourish and grow and become successful.
God Bless
Lynda xoxoxo
Monday, October 22
It's Official, I need 1- 800 ...
Okay, so I have been just racking my brain for weeks now over this blog thing. Do I keep using Blogger, do I go to Word Press? How do I start creating? Do I self host, not self host? URL's, HTML'S, RSS, WIDGET, GIDGET, BUTTONS, GADGETS, I'VE HAD IT!
As much as I love getting to my organized, super cute desk to my computer and just let my fingers run all over the keyboard - flowing like a gentle spring breeze coming through the window, I find myself stuck at times. I can't tell you how many days, even at the oddest moments that I have "the story" in my mind that I want or need to share.
It is almost always at the oddest time and of course when I have no pen or paper around that something comes to me.
For those who read and follow me and my family, I appreciate it and love you coming back for more, and when I am having those moments when I am feeling lost in "blog fog", I always have my naps!
Be Blessed
Lynda xoxoxo
As much as I love getting to my organized, super cute desk to my computer and just let my fingers run all over the keyboard - flowing like a gentle spring breeze coming through the window, I find myself stuck at times. I can't tell you how many days, even at the oddest moments that I have "the story" in my mind that I want or need to share.
It is almost always at the oddest time and of course when I have no pen or paper around that something comes to me.
- The shower... guess I need a dry/erase board hanging right outside the shower curtain.
- The car... I wonder if I can use OnStar as my personal dictation program, you know just call them up and say "No, I don't have an emergency","I just need to record my thoughts, can you send them back to me"?
- Out running/walking as I start mumbling to myself the thoughts, only to hope that I can remember them by the time I get home and that anyone passing me thinks I am just talking to my dog.
I don't have daily "workout" logs that I blog. I don't have the DIY "crafts" to share. We all pretty much know by now that I can't bake (although when I do, I put in every effort I can to NOT catch anything on fire and to try to give my kids those memories). I do however have our food and recipes to share and our daily, quirky stories from life in our family. So I guess that will have to be enough for now. I have to remind myself to not worry about what I am NOT doing or what I can't keep up and know that I am doing what is working for me and LOVE and enjoy reading the accomplishments of others out there, while adding a small corner of my world with the rest of yours.
For those who read and follow me and my family, I appreciate it and love you coming back for more, and when I am having those moments when I am feeling lost in "blog fog", I always have my naps!
Be Blessed
Lynda xoxoxo
Friday, October 19
That's the Button!!
I am so tired of the "hot flashes". I mean really? Well today I was drying my hair and it hit me (not the hair dryer, although I have hit myself in the head a few times with it while in use) but the "Cool" button, the "Cool" setting. I have figured it out.
The hair dryer was invented by a woman who suffered from hot flashes. Hot flashes while sleeping, while shopping, while getting dressed and un-dressed, while in the middle of a rain name it...she was fed up. SO, she invented the "cool" button.
Now, there is the "cool blast" which is the quick button OR the "cool setting" in which you place your dryer and leave. Sure it takes about an hour longer to dry that beautiful mane of hair, but ohhhhh what a great feeling standing in the bathroom feeling fresh instead of having beads of sweat on your forehead, cleavage, even under the arm or in some cases the back. With this set on your dryer we are able to enjoy that time in the bathroom struggling with the round brush (hate those) and walk away from the mirror looking and feeling fresh, not like we just came in from a sauna.
And what is with hair dryers? Seriously, I posted on about two weeks ago my hair dryer experience and the fire. Yes, it caught on fire, and I headed on down to the local CVS to pick up a new one, (wet hair and all). When did hair dryers become so complicated? There is the super economy version OR the deluxe, I am a hair goddess version. Come on, it's a hair dryer! Our daugther Faith was with me and while sitting on the floor in the aisle we decided to go with the cool color one. Pink! That was it, pink and it so happened that the Conair dryer we choose was a "breast cancer" support version and it was in the mid-way section as far as price. So winner for everyone all around. Happy and home, super excited to dry my hair, only to get home and find about 4 different "contraptions" to add on to the dryer. Ughhhhhh, did I mention it had a "cool button"? :)
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Shrimp Nachos...yes Shrimp
We love Nachos in our home...and cooking our own chips makes them even better. The great thing about our nachos, we can always change them up.....This time we used shrimp.
Saute shrimp in EVOO and garlic (fresh or powder)
Black Beans
Fresh Lime Juice
Sea Salt
Red Bell Pepper
Chop all ingredients and add together in bowl
Layer your chips and cover with cheese...we used Pepper Jack and Cheddar, then top with homemade salsa and shrimp mixture and bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees until melted and warmed through (about 30 min)
Top with fresh cilantro, avocado, tomato, lettuce, onion...whatever your choice and enjoy :)
Fitnessmomwinecountry xoxox
Black Beans
Fresh Lime Juice
Sea Salt
Red Bell Pepper
Chop all ingredients and add together in bowl
Layer your chips and cover with cheese...we used Pepper Jack and Cheddar, then top with homemade salsa and shrimp mixture and bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees until melted and warmed through (about 30 min)
Top with fresh cilantro, avocado, tomato, lettuce, onion...whatever your choice and enjoy :)
Fitnessmomwinecountry xoxox
Monday, October 15
Here We Go...This Is Me
So I am going to post something a little different today. Normally I am chatting and sharing about food, which is great and I plan on continuing.
However, some new and exiting things have taken place recently and I have been introduced to an entire array of blogs and sites written by so many different and amazing women.
It has been an honor to join the families of Fitfluential and FitApproach as an ambassador to their programs. This has been amazing as I am now amongst a family of strong and supportive and inspiring women from all over the place. Since reading and chatting and social media-ing (my new word I just made up) with these gals and following many blogs, it has given me the courage to be able to step (once again) out of my own personal comfort zone and realize that I can share and write about other things besides food.
I can share my faults, my triumphs, my progress, my journey, my family, my giggles and my tears. For all I know, I could be here writing to myself. I wonder if anyone else has ever had that feeling. Sitting at her or his computer with words in our heads just waiting to come out and fill up the space in front of us. Hmmmm. Well I will just "assume" so, in order for me to feel brave enough to keep going.
I think one of the "eye openers" to this day was when I received a comment on here from saying that I was one of the blogs she nominated for Very Inspiring Blogger Award. That was one of those "WHAT, WOW, ME" moments. How could that be? I am not inspiring. I make food and share recipes and am Fitnessmomwinecountry. We just never know just who we are to others out there. I know I am inspired by more woman than I have room for on this post.
So with all this said, and without getting to deep or boring. Todays' post has some points and here they are as follows:
Health * Fitness * Wellness xooxxo
However, some new and exiting things have taken place recently and I have been introduced to an entire array of blogs and sites written by so many different and amazing women.
It has been an honor to join the families of Fitfluential and FitApproach as an ambassador to their programs. This has been amazing as I am now amongst a family of strong and supportive and inspiring women from all over the place. Since reading and chatting and social media-ing (my new word I just made up) with these gals and following many blogs, it has given me the courage to be able to step (once again) out of my own personal comfort zone and realize that I can share and write about other things besides food.
I can share my faults, my triumphs, my progress, my journey, my family, my giggles and my tears. For all I know, I could be here writing to myself. I wonder if anyone else has ever had that feeling. Sitting at her or his computer with words in our heads just waiting to come out and fill up the space in front of us. Hmmmm. Well I will just "assume" so, in order for me to feel brave enough to keep going.
I think one of the "eye openers" to this day was when I received a comment on here from saying that I was one of the blogs she nominated for Very Inspiring Blogger Award. That was one of those "WHAT, WOW, ME" moments. How could that be? I am not inspiring. I make food and share recipes and am Fitnessmomwinecountry. We just never know just who we are to others out there. I know I am inspired by more woman than I have room for on this post.
So with all this said, and without getting to deep or boring. Todays' post has some points and here they are as follows:
- I am going to know that I am inspiring to some
- I am going to continue to practice what I preach as I do on Fitnessmom and step out of my own comfort zone more often
- I am going to share my stories with those who will read them and follow (well I am posting them anyway)
- I am learning new things everyday in the social media world and will keep going at it even when I want to bang my head on the keyboard and cry until some social media God comes through the door to do it all for me
- I am going to start (today) my treadmill program in order to get back on track and prep for my up-coming 5k
- I am going to tell myself I can do more than a 5k and work for that
- I am not going to talk myself out of doing something because I self doubt me OR because I find excuses
- I am going to continue to be humble and gracious to those out there who are kind and patient enough to help me when I need
- I am going to continue to help others out there who reach out to me for help
- I am going to enjoy the journey of blogging and growing Fitnessmomwinecountry into something amazing, driven by my pure passion and insomnia, followed with alot of coffee and at times some great wine
- I am going to start video blogging again (and not be afraid to do so)
- I am just going to BE ME and all the rest will fall into place
Health * Fitness * Wellness xooxxo
Thursday, October 11
Pomegranate Is In The House....Must Be Fall
The "Harvest"salad.
It is a weeknight and the kids had their bowls of pasta for dinner, while the hubby and I sat and enjoyed a "quite" evening consisting of this great salad and a glass of light wine. Perfect ending to another busy day.
Ingredients (minus the measuring of course)
Baby Mixed Greens
Fresh Pomegranate Seeds
Goat Cheese
Pulled Roasted Chicken (easy to just buy a whole roasted chicken from the market already cooked)
Sliced Red Onion
Sweet Coppa (a traditional Italian cold cut)
Balsamic Dressing
Now there are different ways to cut and open or "seed" a pomegranate, and I am sure we have heard and tried them all, but here are two ways I will share anyway.
The "long" version.
Cut the pomegranate at the crown, score in several places (without) cutting all the way through, soak in a bowl of cold water upside down for about 10 mins, break apart the rind and membrane and the seeds will fall out into the bowl. Drain and pat dry with a towel.
The "quick and painless" version.
Cut at the crown, cut in half and hit the pomegranate with the back of a spoon and the seeds will fall out. Yes, this is how we break into ours.
Pomegranate seeds need to be eaten right away or they can stay refrigerated for about 2 days.
Add all ingredients together and toss with a light Balsamic dressing.
I love hearing feed back from you, so please feel free to comment or share my recipes with your friends.
Lynda (Fitnessmomwinecountry) xoxo
It is a weeknight and the kids had their bowls of pasta for dinner, while the hubby and I sat and enjoyed a "quite" evening consisting of this great salad and a glass of light wine. Perfect ending to another busy day.
Ingredients (minus the measuring of course)
Baby Mixed Greens
Fresh Pomegranate Seeds
Goat Cheese
Pulled Roasted Chicken (easy to just buy a whole roasted chicken from the market already cooked)
Sliced Red Onion
Sweet Coppa (a traditional Italian cold cut)
Balsamic Dressing
Now there are different ways to cut and open or "seed" a pomegranate, and I am sure we have heard and tried them all, but here are two ways I will share anyway.
The "long" version.
Cut the pomegranate at the crown, score in several places (without) cutting all the way through, soak in a bowl of cold water upside down for about 10 mins, break apart the rind and membrane and the seeds will fall out into the bowl. Drain and pat dry with a towel.
The "quick and painless" version.
Cut at the crown, cut in half and hit the pomegranate with the back of a spoon and the seeds will fall out. Yes, this is how we break into ours.
Pomegranate seeds need to be eaten right away or they can stay refrigerated for about 2 days.
Add all ingredients together and toss with a light Balsamic dressing.
I love hearing feed back from you, so please feel free to comment or share my recipes with your friends.
Lynda (Fitnessmomwinecountry) xoxo
Wednesday, October 3
I know better, so why do I even bother....???
Okay same story different project. Once again I got sweet talked into a "baking" project with our ever so cute and sweet daughter Faith. Alright, there is a small part of me inside that really enjoys it, no wait...I don't enjoy it, what I enjoy is the fantasy of being one of those cool moms that gets the kitchen nice and cozy with all the ingredients layed out and looking pretty in their measuring apparatus, dressed in a cute apron, hair pulled back and put together. Of course my daughter is dressed in her cute apron, gleeming up at me like I am an angel with huge sparkly wings that has come to create magic in the kitchen. Ahhhhhhh.....
Wake up Lynda, first of all you have a boxed cake mix in front of you and a can of Betty Crocker whipped (extra fluffy) vanilla frosting. Reality is about to hit. Heat oven, open box and add ingredients to the bowl, period plain and simple. Only I do have one "trick" a special secret taught to me by my grandmother...Always whip the eggs, water and oil first then add the mix. Apparantly this makes any cake fluffier. What could be an afternoon of bonding with Faith and laughing and giggling as we measure, pour, stir and eat batter from the bowl, turns out to be Faith cracking the three eggs and me mixing everything in a matter of minutes.
Now there is a reason I have succumbbed to this daunting task. Faith is running for fifth grade student coucil and we are having a family night making posters and celebrating her. She has prepared her speech and we are on a mission to create enough posters to cover as many walls possible at the school the next day. So of course baking cupcakes is a must. First batch into the oven and from the taste of the batter on the spoon I would say Bravo, they are going to be a success! (Yes, I do and have eaten raw cookie and cake batter and I am still alive and healthy).
The last thing I remember was me heading up the stairs to takle whatever chore was waiting and "assuming" that since I had cupcakes in the oven and both the kids and my hubby were at the kitchen table that everything was just fine. Wrong, not only did I forget to set a timer, the family was so involved in poster making that no one really noticed the cakes going into the oven OR even me leaving the room. No, not until the smell.....yes, there is was that smell...oh I know that. Not again, I didn't, did I?
Let's jump ahead to after the "burnt cupcakes" had cooled. Thank goodness my creative and most patient hubby came up with the grandest idea (well grand to us because it stopped the tears from Faith and helped redeem me) Whoopie Pies! By cutting the bottoms off of the cupcakes (which by the way could have put a small egg on a forehead if hit with one)and slapping on some of the extra fluffy vanilla frosting in between the tops and bottoms, we created "Cupcake Whoopies".
Now that was a successful night, so it was not my "fantasy" June Cleaver moment, but it turned out to be something more special, it was OUR Family moment. No we did not actually eat the cupcakes, but handing them out to friends and grandma (Mom-in-law) was great.
Oh and student council? Faith nailed her speech without any note cards and ended up winning a seat on the representative board. Happy times ......
Wake up Lynda, first of all you have a boxed cake mix in front of you and a can of Betty Crocker whipped (extra fluffy) vanilla frosting. Reality is about to hit. Heat oven, open box and add ingredients to the bowl, period plain and simple. Only I do have one "trick" a special secret taught to me by my grandmother...Always whip the eggs, water and oil first then add the mix. Apparantly this makes any cake fluffier. What could be an afternoon of bonding with Faith and laughing and giggling as we measure, pour, stir and eat batter from the bowl, turns out to be Faith cracking the three eggs and me mixing everything in a matter of minutes.
Now there is a reason I have succumbbed to this daunting task. Faith is running for fifth grade student coucil and we are having a family night making posters and celebrating her. She has prepared her speech and we are on a mission to create enough posters to cover as many walls possible at the school the next day. So of course baking cupcakes is a must. First batch into the oven and from the taste of the batter on the spoon I would say Bravo, they are going to be a success! (Yes, I do and have eaten raw cookie and cake batter and I am still alive and healthy).
The last thing I remember was me heading up the stairs to takle whatever chore was waiting and "assuming" that since I had cupcakes in the oven and both the kids and my hubby were at the kitchen table that everything was just fine. Wrong, not only did I forget to set a timer, the family was so involved in poster making that no one really noticed the cakes going into the oven OR even me leaving the room. No, not until the smell.....yes, there is was that smell...oh I know that. Not again, I didn't, did I?
Let's jump ahead to after the "burnt cupcakes" had cooled. Thank goodness my creative and most patient hubby came up with the grandest idea (well grand to us because it stopped the tears from Faith and helped redeem me) Whoopie Pies! By cutting the bottoms off of the cupcakes (which by the way could have put a small egg on a forehead if hit with one)and slapping on some of the extra fluffy vanilla frosting in between the tops and bottoms, we created "Cupcake Whoopies".
Now that was a successful night, so it was not my "fantasy" June Cleaver moment, but it turned out to be something more special, it was OUR Family moment. No we did not actually eat the cupcakes, but handing them out to friends and grandma (Mom-in-law) was great.
Oh and student council? Faith nailed her speech without any note cards and ended up winning a seat on the representative board. Happy times ......
Tuesday, September 11
I'll Have the Jicama Please....
I have read about it and even have seen it in the market...Jicama, but never picked one up (that I recall) and took one home to actually do something with it. Although I have heard how great Jicama tastes, I just did not know how good it was until last night.
Thanks to a great recipe from Simply Recipes we enjoyed Jicama Salad for two with seared shrimp (my hubby and I added the shrimp) in order to make this into a full meal and what a great idea that was. The warm shrimp went really well mixed in with the coolness of the salad, it was a perfect blend and in fact caused of to have a "fork war" over the bites of shrimp.
The first thing is to always start out with fresh ingredients if you can. No I am not saying that everything needs to be "organic". I would rather have people buy and eat veggies any way that they can without worrying about paying more for the organic as I know it can get costly. So fresh always.
Jicama 1 Whole
Red Bell Pepper 1/2
Yellow Pepper 1/2
Green Bell 1/2
Red Onion 1/2
Cucumber 1/2 (we used English cucumber) these are longer and thinner than a regular cucumber, with a thinner skin and a sweeter taste, almost seedless because the seeds are so small. These cucumbers make great salads for Thai food recipes also.
Orange 1 Whole (cut crosswise and then quarter)
Fresh Cilantro 1/2 cup
Lime Juice (just squeeze)
Cayenne (pinch)
Paprika (pinch)
Kosher salt (pinch)
Granulated Garlic Powder
Finely chop everything and add to a bowl with EVOO and mix together. Set aside and let stand while preparing the shrimp.
Clean and de-vain the shrimp (there is never enough in my opinion) so go with what you want. Add shrimp to pan with EVOO, cumin, paprika and granulated garlic powder. Saute until pink and done.
Serve all together and garnish with fresh cilantro and lime. You will want "second" helpings with this. This with a glass of Cupcake Prosecco and Monday Night Football was perfect.
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