Wednesday, October 3

I know better, so why do I even bother....???

Okay same story different project. Once again I got sweet talked into a "baking" project with our ever so cute and sweet daughter Faith. Alright, there is a small part of me inside that really enjoys it, no wait...I don't enjoy it, what I enjoy is the fantasy of being one of those cool moms that gets the kitchen nice and cozy with all the ingredients layed out and looking pretty in their measuring apparatus, dressed in a cute apron, hair pulled back and put together. Of course my daughter is dressed in her cute apron, gleeming up at me like I am an angel with huge sparkly wings that has come to create magic in the kitchen. Ahhhhhhh.....

Wake up Lynda, first of all you have a boxed cake mix in front of you and a can of Betty Crocker whipped (extra fluffy) vanilla frosting. Reality is about to hit. Heat oven, open box and add ingredients to the bowl, period plain and simple. Only I do have one "trick" a special secret taught to me by my grandmother...Always whip the eggs, water and oil first then add the mix. Apparantly this makes any cake fluffier. What could be an afternoon of bonding with Faith and laughing and giggling as we measure, pour, stir and eat batter from the bowl, turns out to be Faith cracking the three eggs and me mixing everything in a matter of minutes.

Now there is a reason I have succumbbed to this daunting task. Faith is running for fifth grade student coucil and we are having a family night making posters and celebrating her. She has prepared her speech and we are on a mission to create enough posters to cover as many walls possible at the school the next day. So of course baking cupcakes is a must. First batch into the oven and from the taste of the batter on the spoon I would say Bravo, they are going to be a success! (Yes, I do and have eaten raw cookie and cake batter and I am still alive and healthy).

The last thing I remember was me heading up the stairs to takle whatever chore was waiting and "assuming" that since I had cupcakes in the oven and both the kids and my hubby were at the kitchen table that everything was just fine. Wrong, not only did I forget to set a timer, the family was so involved in poster making that no one really noticed the cakes going into the oven OR even me leaving the room. No, not until the smell.....yes, there is was that smell...oh I know that. Not again, I didn't, did I?

Let's jump ahead to after the "burnt cupcakes" had cooled. Thank goodness my creative and most patient hubby came up with the grandest idea (well grand to us because it stopped the tears from Faith and helped redeem me) Whoopie Pies! By cutting the bottoms off of the cupcakes (which by the way could have put a small egg on a forehead if hit with one)and slapping on some of the extra fluffy vanilla frosting in between the tops and bottoms, we created "Cupcake Whoopies".

Now that was a successful night, so it was not my "fantasy" June Cleaver moment, but it turned out to be something more special, it was OUR Family moment. No we did not actually eat the cupcakes, but handing them out to friends and grandma (Mom-in-law) was great.

Oh and student council? Faith nailed her speech without any note cards and ended up winning a seat on the representative board. Happy times ......


Unknown said...

Congratulations, council woman Faith! :)

Angie said...

Sweet post in more ways then one.

Helena Fortissima said...

Cupcake Whoopie Pies! Those look delicious, especially the ones with the figs. Isn't it amazing how cool your Kitchen 911 rescue turned out? Good luck to Faith, too!

Tonnomura said...

Aw this was a cute post! :)

AutismUnited said...

Good save!

private salon said...

The food seems awesome .very well prepared.