Okay, so we are second week into March. I can't stand it, this is too great. Tank tops, flip flops, doors and windows open, smell of fresh air and Cherry Blossoms blooming everywhere around the house. We started eating healthy and clean back in October when I woke one day and created Fitnessmom. Though the holidays were a tad difficult to get through (food wise) we stuck to our goal, we stood firm and passed up on all the confections and tasty foods full of sugar and carbs and comfort filling. The Baileys and cream and coffee did not get even a thought in the house this season.
So here we are in March and actually the hubby and I are really in great shape. We are ahead of the game this season. Not stressing about loosing the last 5-10 lbs before the season hits, not having to "train" the body to eat clean. Nope, we are good as gold this season. I can actually open the Victoria Secret catalog and love looking at the swim suits, in fact, it is so rewarding going on-line and actually ordering some that I know will not only fit, but look pretty damn good on me this year! Those squats and lunges have come in handy. :)

We have had so many clean and healthy recipes and dinners already, with just more ahead. But today is really a tough one, with the back patio cleaned and ready, how can I not want to bring out the shiny new furniture and bust into the new shiny (which my hubby promised he would keep clean) grill? Who can blame a girl? 75 degrees on this Friday March day. All I want to do is break out the chips and homemade salsa, whip up a homemade sangria (healthy version) and call over all the neighbors. Ahhh, life is good, we are blessed and the kids are happy and healthy. We are taking care of ourselves and living and truly enjoying the healthy lifestyle we have chosen.

It did not happen overnight, it was and still is a work in progress. Making a decision to change your lifestyle is a full commitment and needs daily dedication. But with the progress we have made and how wonderful we feel, it is so worth it. Who wouldn't want to live a healthy life? Who wouldn't want to teach their children this lifestyle? There are no days of fast foods in our home, no quick grab and go dinners because I did not make the effort to prepare and think ahead. A healthy home is a happy home!
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