Okay I know Halloween is here...Yay woo hoo, oh joy. Now before I offend any of you lovers of creatures, ghouls, ghosts, witches, zombies, cauldrons, spiderwebs, slimy creepy stuff and all the other super great cool gadgets you "Halloweener's" like, let me make myself clear. This is just me and my desire to wish we could pass this day up every year.
Sure when I was a kid (elementary school age) Halloween was great. In fact my step-mother was a kindergarten teacher and we always had cool, homemade and creative costumes. She would decorate the house with the greatest props, including sounds or creepy music and even smoke coming from where ever, all while dressing in costume herself. Oh and trick-or-treating, well that was the best. Only back in the day, I remember getting apples or oranges from some houses. You know, when it was safe to do that, before people started injecting something into them or adding a razor blade or worse.
But now, well now I honestly could care less about this day. I am not sure if it comes from just not being interested in doing all that work, or the lack of creativity from me. Or the fact that our middle son hates this day and wants nothing to do with this. He does not want to see commercials, does not want to see people in costumes, does not want to trick-or-treat, nothing. In fact, he won't go into a store during Halloween season. I don't know, a combo of all maybe?
I do know that Halloween does have a "must do" in this family household and that is to every year watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. In fact, since I can't stand to sit and watch it on the t.v. with all the commercials, I had taken it upon myself to purchase the DVD version years ago, this way we don't happen to miss it and we can watch minus the annoying commercials.
Now Faith, she is something special. She LOVES Halloween and God Bless her, she is very patient with us and has compromised well. We get the pumpkins for the front porch, minus all decorations and we do pass out candy. She picks her costume every year and wears it all day to school and out for the night door to door candy collecting. She waits patiently each year (if on a week night) for daddy to get home from work and before he can get both feet in the door, she is heading towards him with that year's bag of choice (to help her in getting as much candy possible) in her hand.
So Faith is off in school, having the time of her life today and I am here with Noah. (Remember he hates this day)? Well it also makes him physically sick being around all the school activities. I whipped up my pumpkin smoothie for breakfast and am cozied up on this chilly day, just waiting for 8:00 to come around. Yes, that is the time I will be shutting everything down, lights out and candy gone. School is tomorrow and children don't need to be out late anyway.
The Mad Hatter hat would not work today...SO my Sweat Pink shoe laces came in handy :)
I can already see myself now, the grumpy old woman who chases everyone away with her broom.....oh wait, wouldn't that make me a witch?
Pumpkin Smoothie
Canned pumpkin
Plain Greek Yogurt
(ground flax seed) optional
Add to blender and done
So happy Halloween to all you out there...enjoy, have fun and be safe